AR1024's Logs

2023 Oct 17

I'm pausing my game's development. I won't be able to write my game before jam deadline.

2023 Oct 9

I'm having second thoughts about writing game. So far I don't have a story, I don't have any work done on graphics, not work on programming either. And it has been 10 days since the jam started, 20 days to go.

I'm working implementing spritesheets into my game. I'm writing everything on my own. Most of my code is wrapper for SDL. This is a big downside of writing game in SDL. I'm using spright to generate sheets.

Today I will write something that will manage loading sprites to my game.

2023 Oct 06

I rejected third story for my game. Right now I've no story. I spend today writing story for my game. Premise seemed good. But couldn't "gamify", and rejected it.

2023 Oct 05

So, a few days ago I joined a game jam (I think I can develop a game!). For this I started learning Godot. The reason for choosing Godot was its python like scripting language. But after trying to learn Godot for two days it was clear to me that if I stuck with Godot I won't be able write a game in time. Plus IDEs scare me. There are too many buttons, too much dragging and dropping.

Currently I'm writing my game in C++ using SDL2. I followed Lazyfoo's SDL2 tutorial. It seems sufficient for what I need in my game.

I'm drawing graphics myself. I suck at drawing and coloring. But so far its fun. I'm using Inkscape to draw my characters, with trackpad. I'm too slow at drawing and it is taking a lot of my time. I should join a team. But I'm not sure if I'll have enough time for jam.

ar1024, email :